Mass Shooting In The United States

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Pages: 1

Mass shootings are one of the many guns caused problems in the United States. In fact, as of November 12, 2017, there has been a total of 315 mass shootings in the US ( This means that there have been more mass shootings in America than days that have passed in the year. This is a very worrisome problem because it has created a fear for Americans to live normal lives. Many can’t even do everyday activities, such as go to a concert, movie, grocery store, or ever church, without having a constant fear of a shooting occurring. According to the video, “The State of Gun Violence in the US, Explained in 18 Charts”, published by Vox, the United States has had almost 23 times more mass shootings than other countries such as Germany, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, Australia, Norway, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. The US has had 133 mass shootings from the years 2000-2014, while Germany has only had six (Vox 0:25). So what is Germany doing that we Americans are not? The answer lies in their gun laws. As stated in the article “Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Germany,” the German laws on Guns are the strictest in all of Europe. …show more content…
The article goes on to say their laws, "Restricts the acquisition, possession, and carrying of firearms to those with a credible need for a weapon.” The correlation between mass shootings and gun control in Germany, in comparison to in