Step 1C: On Monday, February 8, or site visit two, I observed the technology Mrs. Corcoran uses to differentiate instruction and enhance student learning. While Mrs. Corcoran teaches, she uses the Elmo, her Chromebook, and the SMARTBOARD to project to students what she will be teaching, to serve as a visual aid. On this day, Mrs. Corcoran went on GoNoodle for the students to get up to sing and dance before teaching the math …show more content…
Corcoran with technology. Mrs. Corcoran had a busy morning, and came straight from an IEP meeting to math class. I helped her connect her Chromebook to the Elmo, which projects to the SMARTBOARD. At the time, the students were not interacting with technology, but visualized what was the SMARTBOARD. Mrs. Corcoran did a short practice money change counting example with the class. I interacted with the students, by hearing the students of their guess of how much the change amount was. The objective was a practice and review to formatively assess what students know, and the outcome was the majority of students could count the correct amount of