Media Body Image

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Pages: 4

Most often social media users stare in amazement, envy or judge as they scroll through endless supply of their peer’s news feed, while subsequently comparing lives.
All forms of media conveys images of the sexes, most of them being perpetuate unrealistic, stereotypical, and limiting diversity. Users interactions with these images pressures them to have the perfect profile pictures. Overlapping of the reality and virtual world causes the users to give into the notion that social media and the physical world are within one reality. Believing that social media portrays someone’s exact life can be detrimental.
Social media tells us what kind of body image we should endeavour for. According to social media, the ‘perfect’ body image includes thin
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In movies, TV shows, music videos, video games and even news segments, women have to play up their sex appeal. This can be seen by the clothes women wear or the fact that they aren't given much character. Women’s Media Center’s annual report, on the status of women in TV states that “Women were quoted in only 19% of news articles in January and February of 2013”. Women are not represented in media for anything other than body; it's always men playing sports or inventing things. Also, in case of gender roles the society has created the scale where males have more power than women. Head of the households are in most cases men and women are just housewives. Nowadays, the gender disparity is becoming smaller. However, media still perpetuates traditional gender stereotypes. The media is selling the idea that girls’ and women’s value lies in their youth, beauty, and sexuality and not in their capacity as leaders. Boys learn that their success is tied to dominance, power, and aggression. By manipulating the message, media creates an image of reality, which can depict groups in negative and unrealistic manner. As a result, the reflection of the real world is incomplete and