Research says that media contributes to the rise of eating disorders. Celebrities on media are thin and this can lead young girls to believe that being thin shows real beauty. Also with boys, boys may try to look more fit and begin to excessively exercise and restrict food. These disorders are often created due to lack of self-esteem and confidence. To prevent these things parents can give their kids the message that they are perfect the way they are and not to try to be or look like someone else. Another way is to be supportive with their eating choice. If your child wants to be a vegetarian help them instead of denying their decision. Also, make exercise fun and lead by example on how to handle your body. If your child sees you taking care of your boy most likely they will. Eating disorders can result in bad health conditions. Anorexia nervosa causes your body to starve and lack nutrition. Your body can drop in blood pressure, pulse, and breathing rate. Loss of hair and growth of soft hair that can grow all over the skin called lanugo hair. Also, swollen joints, brittle bones, and