Medication Therapy Research Paper

Words: 1329
Pages: 6

Medication therapy which may also been drug therapy problems this a type of medical care that is offered and provided to patients by pharmacist personnel with the sole intention to assist in optimizing the type of drug therapy that is being provided and also in capacity improving the therapeutic outcomes for their patient base. This also includes a wide range of professional duties that include carrying out patient assessments and also not limited to a comprehensive medication review, preparing a medication treatment plan for patients, keeping a close eye and observing the safety and the efficacy of the medication therapy, by enhancing the medication adherence through the patients empowerment and educating them and lastly written records and …show more content…
The main purpose of identifying drug therapy problems is to assist patients achieve their goals of therapy. However these are undesirable events or results that involve the patient , or which are suspected in the in the involvement of the drug therapy resulting in interference with achieving the optimal and desired goals of the therapy thus requiring professional judgement to resolve such incidents. An example of a medication therapy may include a build up tolerance to a specific type of medication like opioids to where a patient may now require a very high dose to achieve the desired pain relief, however this practice is risky as it is a form of dose escalation and therefore lead to the patient overdosing on drugs
Classes of medication related therapy
There are several problems that are related to drug therapy, however the main focus is solely on the 7 main problems which are:
• Unnecessary drug therapy
• Wrong drug
• Dose too
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This is a result of ill-informed or patients who are being irrational without adequate knowledge and therefore not understanding the underlying forces. This often leads to harmful policy efforts to raise the rate of adherence by carrying out exercises to increase adherence of the ill-informed patients. Other factors that contribute to such non adherence are due to medication cost as the patient may not be willing or keen to carry on the burden of such medication, the thought of the patient bothering their caregivers , with consideration to them not willing to provide a change in lifestyle to continue with treatment or overall better their health condition. And lastly due to different cultural beliefs some patients may feel that the given drugs or medication may not be inline with their beliefs and some may have health beliefs which do not go inline or include medication to treat their