Melanoma is considered the rarest yet deadliest form of skin cancer. The research paper aims to highlight and examine different aspects of melanoma. Foremost a brief definition of melanoma to distinguish it from other types of skin cancer. The paper also discusses the statistics to establish prevalence rate of the disease. Since melanoma affects the skin, the paper analyses both gross and microscopic structure of the skin structure. UV ray exposure remains the primary cause of melanoma. Thus signs and symptom examined helps patients look for red flags of melanoma growth. The paper also offers different treatment plans and discusses a recent research finding by Utah University in treating melanoma
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Epidermis: this is the outermost part of the skin. The epidermis consists of several layers namely, stratum corneum (‘horny layer’), granular cell layer, spinous cell layer and the basal layer. The cells within the epidermis are known as keratinocytes. Keratinocytes continue to divide to replenish the skin cells. The horny layer is the outermost layer visible from outside. Cells on the stratum corneum are scale-like and flat in dimension. They are dead cells with lots of keratin. Cells on the horny layer overlap thereby forming a waterproof and tough element on the surface
The dermis: Forms right beneath the dermis consists of several ridges known as papillae. The skin pattern charts the ridge patterns to create a unique fingerprint. Thus the ridges might appear on the outmost layer which is not the case. The dermis consists of blood vessels, muscle fiber, erector pili, sweat glands, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles.
The hypodermis forms the innermost part of the skin consisting of subcutaneous fat. The thickness of the hypodermis depends on the body part and …show more content…
Melanoma is primarily caused by ultraviolet rays. Constant exposure to UV light destroys DNA composition within the epidermal skin cells. In many cases, damage impacts particular genes that maintain skin cell growth and division. If the genes cease to function accordingly, the exposed cells develop into cancer tumors.
Signs and symptoms of Melanoma
Markings, lumps, blemishes, unusual moles and sore in areas of the skin are signs of melanoma. The most significant sign is the development of new spot which constancy changes in dimension, color or shape. Another warning sign of development of melanoma is a spot that appears different commonly referred to as ugly duckling sign. Individuals with such signs ought to visit a doctor for examination. Another guide for checking symptoms of melanoma is the ABCDE rule. The rule entails
A means Asymmetry: where one half of skin does not appear like the other in shape
B stands for border. Look out if edges of the skin mole appear notched, ragged or irregular
C stands for Color: examine if the mole has uneven pigmentation. Color may include various shades of white, red, blue pink or black