Melanoma Skin Cancer Research Paper

Words: 933
Pages: 4

Skin Cancer: Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology
Megan Cadieux, 1011981, Thursdays at 10:00 am

Skin Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells (Mayo 2018). There are two types of skin cancer, melanoma skin cancer and non-melanoma skin cancer. Melanoma skin cancer is developed when a melanocyte in the skin is damaged, it then starts to grow and destroy body tissue (CCS Melanoma 2018). Melanoma skin cancer is significantly more likely to metastasize to other parts of the body, causing it to be more harmful than non-melanoma skin cancer (CCS Melanoma 2018). Non-melanoma skin cancer is caused when the DNA of either a basal skin cell or a squamous skin is damaged (CCS Melanoma 2018). There are two types of non-melanoma skin cancer basal cell skin cancer, and squamous cell skin cancer; The type of non-melanoma skin cancer developed depends on whether a basal cell or squamous cell is originally mutated by UV rays. When the DNA of either of these
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The primary functions of healthy skin are to form a protective barrier around the body; transmit the sensation of touch; and help maintain homeostasis through maintaining temperature, retaining fluids, and eliminating waste through sweat (Goodwin et. All, 2011).
The outermost layer of the skin is the epidermis, which is primarily comprised of Melanocytes, squamous cells and basal cells (CCS Stages of Non-Melanoma). The epidermis is the part of your skin responsible for making new skin cells. the skin cells at the bottom of the epidermis, the youngest cells, are square and the older skin cells are flatter and occur further up, the top 18-23 layers of cells are dead cells that will eventually flake off (American Academy of Dermatology 2018). The melanocytes in the epidermis gives the skin its colour (American Academy of Dermatology