Melanoma Research Paper

Words: 553
Pages: 3

Melanoma - what can ordinary moles bring to?
Keyword: best dermatologist in Chandigarh, skin specialist in Chandigarh

Melanoma is a malignant tumor, the source of which is melanocytes. These are cells, the primary function of which is the synthesis of melanin, a pigment that gives the skin a swarthy complexion. As a rule, melanoma is localized on the skin; it infects the retina more rarely. Very rarely, it can develop on the mucosa of the rectum, the vagina.
The tumor is characterized by rapid progression, metastasis in all organs and systems, a long asymptomatic course. The combination of these factors makes melanoma one of the most dangerous malignant diseases.
Causes of appearance
Despite all the achievements of science, scientists still do not know precisely the causes of melanoma. Approximately in
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The main ones are:
• Ultraviolet radiation - both natural and artificial;
• Sunburns in the anamnesis;
• Light skin and hair, blue eyes;
• Burdened heredity;
• Age over 50;
• Contact with carcinogens in the workplace;
• Exposure to ionizing radiation.
Patients who are on the edge of one or more risk factors should undergo regular medical examinations - this is the only way to diagnose the disease at an early stage and start treatment on time.
Stages of Melanoma
Depending on the prevalence of the process, melanoma can be of the following stages:
• 0 - melanoma in place - will not spread beyond the basal membrane;
• I - thickness of the tumor is not more than 2 mm, the surface is whole or ulcerated, there are no metastases;
• II - the thickness increases to 4 mm, on the surface of the tumor - ulcers, the process is limited to the primary focus;
• III - there are metastases in the regional lymph nodes, regardless of the size of the tumor;
• IV - is diagnosed in the presence of multiple distant metastases. More often melanoma affects the liver, bones, brain.