Mentoring Research Paper

Words: 660
Pages: 3

The benefits of mentoring for both Mentor and Mentee were also discussed. The one that strikes me the most is the ability for mentoring to exchange new ideas and innovate with mentees. As teachers who aspire to be life-long learners, new perspectives and methodologies are shared when a fruitful discussion between mentor-mentee takes place. Both mentors and mentee can takeaway something from each other (e.g. mentor to inculcate new and innovative ICT skills while mentee is more aware of his/her weakness in her methodology).
Humility in Mentoring
Through the National Geographic video shared, eclectic environment or learning takes places especially when a mentor is able to show humility throughout the mentoring process. Thus it is only with this
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Mentoring plays an important role in developing potential employees for future leaders. A good mentor, should be proud to groom someone who has the abilities and aptitude to take over and help the company to survive.
Learn, Unlearn and Relearn
From the article in 'Empowering through Mentoring', the learning process is about reflecting and receiving feedbacks, thereafter, relearn and unlearn which increases our knowledge and enhance our skills. We then guide and pass on our knowledge so that everyone improves together as a team. A mentor holds so much roles and responsibilities and that mentoring process is beneficial and essential for everyone to develop, learn and grow.
Individual presentations
Drawing from the sharing sessions by my classmate Ajmal, I learned that mentoring requires the mentees to be passionate and active participant in the mentoring journey. Mentees need to have the goals first before mentors could help them achieve their goals or even improve themselves. In the article shared, Ajmal highlighted that mentoring is not a process to create a clone of like-minded people, but rather to create people of potential and future successor. However, he did mentioned that like-mindedness makes it easier for mentor and mentee to work together and build a closer