Mentoring Research Paper

Words: 422
Pages: 2

Since mentoring builds up strong relationships among everyone who is involved, it can bring widespread benefits. The benefits of mentoring are many and they depend on what kind of mentoring programs and what kind of participants are. No matter how differently those benefits can vary, the mentees, mentors and their organizations always gain benefits from mentoring programs, and gain long-term benefits.
Some key benefits to mentees:
• Assistance in problem solving: As mentor is someone who has greater knowledge and experience compared to mentee, mentee can benefit from a mentoring relationship by turning to mentor for advice when she/he solves a problem.
• Impartial advice and encouragement: Having a mentor, mentee can have her/him demonstrate the
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Some key benefits to mentors:
• Job satisfaction enhancement: The opportunity to teach or advise others can help mentor become more confident and bring her/him job satisfaction.
• Peer recognition improvement: Being a mentor means that she/he has to listen to the concerns of mentee. It may help develop a better understanding of employees’ issues improve her/him supervisory skills.
• Relationship development: Even if mentee leaves the company after she/he finishes being mentored, mentor and mentee can still maintain a professional connection. This may expand the mentor's reputation and connections.
• Opportunity to reflect on her/his own goals and practice:
Some key benefits to organizations:
• Company behaviors and attitudes transference: Mentoring can help create an environment that fosters personal and professional growth when mentor sharing business information, skills, attitudes and behaviors with mentee.
• Greater productivity in the workplace: As mentee turns to mentor for advice, she/he make fewer mistakes on the job, cutting losses to her/his