Middle Adulthood Research Paper

Words: 561
Pages: 3

Middle adulthood can be rewarding, struggling, and life changing in a positive and negative way. Middle age adults to face physical health, emotional, and mental changes that tend to decline. Observing my family this past Thanksgiving Day, I observed how the middle age adults’ physical, cognitive, and social development has affected their life over the years. Of course, the physical health of middle age adults decline over the years. Each and every year our household has everyone in our family come over for Thanksgiving dinner. Over the years, the number of middle age attendants have declined. One of my family members had to get her thyroids removed for health reasons and another was recently was told she has a tumor near her cervix. As people age over time, their health issues become more of a problem. I also noticed how a few of my middle aged family members were less active with cooking. The main few that help out every year only did a small amount of cooking. I’ve also noticed the weight gain over the years. The major difference in weight is looking at photo albums from when they were …show more content…
Often when we would have conversations about work, school, etc.., my middle aged family members would forget things or it would take a bit too long to answer questions. Some questions go unanswered until they remember about 15 minutes later! Long-term memory seemed to be the biggest issue. It wasn’t as much as memory loss, but remembering the correct memories. Although my family might struggle to remember things from time to time, not all of their cognitive abilities have declined. I noticed how some of them can recall game scores, player stats and anything else that had anything to do with the football. Because the family members who are interested in a certain things tend to be more fluent over the years. Therefore the cognitive development in middle adults tends to grow and