Military Leadership Analysis

Words: 760
Pages: 4

Introduction Defining leadership is, of course, subjective. No one definition is right or wrong. To me, a leader is someone who builds a team, mentors them, and then advocates for them. A leader develops the people around them to be more successful than themselves. A great quote I like to use is “a leader trains his or her assassins”. The Navy has always reminded me to train my relief and I have built my leadership principles from that concept except with one small difference: I must train them to be better. I’ve had many great leaders who have influenced me throughout my career. One such leader that comes to mind is HMC(FMF/SW/AW) Aquino. Not only did he set a standard for those to follow, but he exceeded that standard on a daily basis. …show more content…
That sounds like I don’t get along with people, which is the furthest from the truth. I have an extremely easy time demonstrating effective leadership when it comes to dealing with the military. The struggle for me is with civil service and contractors. While I realize that they are an integral part of the team, I am failing when it comes to my communication with them. They need to understand my role, and how I can help make their jobs easier. After going through the speedreading people workshop, I realize I have a way to open lines of communication with the various civilian employees. Knowing exactly how the Command …show more content…
These values are important to me because they represent a foundation that will stand to exist after my military service. I’ve been told since day one in the military that your family was not included in your seabag. That is an extremely poor representation of a leader who supposedly cares for their people. I ensure my sailors understand the importance of these values and how they apply to military life and meeting the command’s mission. I feel that sailors will tend to perform better when there is stability within their home. Sailors also need the ability to understand your values in relation to the decisions that you