Military Social Media Analysis

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Pages: 4

With advancements in technology giving everybody the ability to connect with each other in an instant, the world is becoming a smaller place. Social media allows Soldiers to stay connected with friends and family and stay current on world events. Department of Defense (DoD) Social Media Guidelines exist to ensure that Soldiers’ conduct while online conforms to military standards and Operational Security (OPSEC). However, even with guidelines in place, there are still many incidents of unprofessional, unsecure, and unacceptable online posting. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the three most popular forms of social media. All three have been subject to high profile examples of failure to maintain standards of discipline. Facebook is an online social media forum allowing people to connect with others worldwide. For Soldiers, Facebook makes staying in touch with family and friends easier, especially while deployed or during extended temporary duty. Soldiers must remain aware of what they are posting at all times, because posting on Facebook, particularly on public pages, is available for everyone to view. Soldiers who post online while …show more content…
The video illustrated male Soldiers using inappropriate comments to describe a female Soldier. “In one scene, soldiers escorted a new recruit past a female soldier's room and the tour guide described the woman as a ‘piece of meat’ who sleeps with all the male Soldiers.” (Jahner) 1SG Moerk confronted multiple Soldiers who had commented on the video and she received derogatory feedback from the posters. She could tell that some were active military, and contacted the director of the Army’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention. Moerk’s involvement earned her praise from her superiors. She received the Army Commendation Medal for her