Milky Way Galaxy Research Paper

Words: 1367
Pages: 6

(paragraph 1) In the Milky Way Galaxy, about 3 percent of space is made up of brilliant stars. In this 3%, there are roughly 100 billion stars. As we look up into the night sky, these stars create constellations such as Scorpius the Scorpion. In southern California, you can currently see the orange star Antares, the brightest star of the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion. Stars make up our night sky and are so bright, yet the closest star to us, the sun, is 92.96 million miles away. Astronomers have learned so much about our stars and will continue to learn about them, by using tools such as a spectrometer to study their size, distance, energy, composition, temperature, and many other factors to properly categorize stars.
(paragraph 2) When astronomers first began to study stars, they may have believed that all stars are the same; however, this is false.
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One kind of telescope is the optical telescope. A simple optical telescope will have two converging lenses of different powers. The more powerful lens will be the eyepiece lens. The objective lens focuses the light to the focal point of the lens. This point is also the focal point of the more powerful eyepiece lens. The eyepiece lens produces a magnified image of the image from the objective lens which the viewer can see. This telescope is mainly used by people who stargaze and do astronomy research. They use an optical telescope because it has the ability to see the stars in more detail than what we can see without it. Telescopes that are categorized in refractors are similar to an optical telescope. Reflectors use a mirror that collects and focuses on the light. In a reflecting telescope, instead of a convex objective lens, a concave mirror is used to collect parallel rays from the object and form an image at the focal point. Then the convex eyepiece lens is used to magnify this image for the