One of the primary concerns brought to the table regarding online access to medical records is the issue of security. As there is always a risk of a breach in security in online systems, patients should take comfort in knowing that in the 32 years epic has been up and running, there has not been one single break in Epics data by a hacker. Also, when physicians are using their tablets, mobile devices and/or laptops, the information they are viewing cannot be saved and stored onto those individual devices. It can only be viewed in such a way that if a device were to ever be stolen, patient information would not be able to be tampered with. (Freudenheim) The information physicians are able to view on electronic devices is also available for patients to view through a program called MyChart. There are many benefits to having this access not only for the patients, but for physicians and other healthcare workers as well. The thought is that by patients having access to their medical records, it may motivate them to improve their overall health by taking a more proactive approach. They will be able to view test results, view upcoming