Monsanto Research Paper

Words: 755
Pages: 4

Monsanto Company has travelled all over time; starting with the production of food additives in 1901 evolved to genetically modified seeds, organisms, making herbicides; an agribusiness industry. In 1935 the Monsanto chemical industry acquired the Swann chemical company, in Anniston and started the production and the sale of PCBs that are chemical used in the manufacturing process and synthesis of plastics and other synthetic fibers. PCBs and the Agent Orange are known as the most toxic substance ever seen as for the environment, that the human being. Those products contaminated a region in Anniston Alabama causing a lot of death and irreversible consequences on the residents and ecosystem of Anniston. The Agent Orange knowing for it cancerous effects was sprayed over Vietnam …show more content…
Sanjour says, "If they were done correctly, ‘the studies’ would have reached just the opposite result." They lie about their products; their authenticity in relation to the safety of their customers. Keeping the truth from the population also means falsifying research papers for Monsanto and of course suppresses any evidences that could harm them.
In the early 1990s Monsanto introduced the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), created in order to increase crop productivity and to make plants more resistible to natural vagaries. Scientifically talking, modify an organism change it structure, it DNA altering genes. Although GMOs were introduced with good intentions, the impact has been significant and drastic; organic farms are dwindling, species variety is disappearing and unexpected health problems are becoming more common. To sell its products , Monsanto has been keeping saying that there was no differences between organics food and GMOs but the fact