Morally Obligated Research Paper

Words: 999
Pages: 4

Am I Morally Obligated
Are we morally obligated to take account of the interest of nonsentient entities? I believe that we should be morally obligated to take account of the interest of nonsentient entities. I do happen to agree with some environmentalist that claim that nonsentient natural entities are morally significant because they have needs and wants. I am going to tell you why I believe that we are morally obligated to take account of the interest of "nonsentient entities”. I will first break down the question at hand showing how I came to my decision. Then I will clarify the question and state why it is of importance. Second, I will answer the question and provide arguments for my reasoning. Answering the question to how I see fit
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“Are we morally obligated to take account of the interest of nonsentient entities”? To understand my reason behind why I believe that we are morally obligated, you must first understand what the key words mean to me or how I understand them. First, “morally obligated” meaning no matter if something is good or right, bad or wrong you must do it, it is your duty and there is not a choice or say in the matter. Second, “nonsentient” also known as not having consciousness (other characteristic of the mind) and or not having the ability to have subjective perceptual experiences. Thirdly, in this case the “entities” that are being represented are the ecosystems, communities, and or species as a whole. These three key word leading me to agree that we are morally obligated to take account of the interest of “nonsentient entities”. Philosopher by the name Claudia Card argues that “non-sentient beings can suffer. Also that non-sentient beings can create moral constraints on us in virtue of their having interests that give rise to rights or define a good, a wellbeing that can be harmed (Card p24). From this passaged I conclude that some “nonsentient entities” can be harmed and there well- being should be taking into account. But the problem that arise in this situation is, what is seen as causing harm to environmental entities. You …show more content…
But more so overall we should most defiantly be obligated to, meaning we should take something into account depending on if it is good or right, bad or wrong and if it proves to be beneficial to society as a whole. The question at hand is seen as a philosophical problem for environmentalist. Which makes this question of importance because it regards “concerns for environmental protection and improvement of the health of the environment, particularly as the measure for this health seeks to incorporate the concerns of non-human elements” (Merriam-Webster). Also advocating the lawful protection, refurbishment or improvement of the natural environment, having to deal with controlling pollution or defending plant and animal