Movie Censorship In America

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Pages: 3

There is a huge difference between censorship of movies in Egypt and censorship of movies in America. Most people do not know the real meaning of censorship, how it works and how it could be useful to a society. Censorship is the motion picture rating system that's designed to classify the movies by regarding what is suitable for the audience in terms of some issues such as immoral behaviors like violence, sex, drug abuse and so many other things. According to the author Ken Robichaux in his article "Movie Censorship in the United States" he gave us briefly information about censorship in US as he said that in 1909, Censorship of movies in America was started as the people's institute in New York City founded "The New York Board of Motion …show more content…
Moreover, a strong religious groups and other authorities in many states were prepared to reply if no federal laws were make a move to control the content of the movies. After announced the censorship of movies constitutional by the U.S supreme court in 1915, 7 states and huge number of cities and towns across the country established and administered film censorship boards that imposed what could and what could not be shown in their society. In the other hand according to the author of Cinematographers in his article "Censorship" he provided us with some historical background of censorship in Egypt as he said that the Egyptian censorship of movies was started in 1904 and in 1911there was an announcement that the Cairo governorate had took the decision to interfere due to the fact that they want to stop filming the movies that were exceedingly realistic, as it is dangerous due to the fact that this films might encourage the people to do the same