Paul Badura Skoda is a world renowned pianists that tune in to what beethoven was really like. Toledano states, that Paul Skoda is very knowledgeable of beethoven on the fortepiano along with other pianists during his time period. Along with Paul being knowledgeable, many critics said that his recordings of the piano sonatas for HMV sounded the part(para-3). Someone who is contrary to Skoda in the piano industry is Artur Schnabel. Schnabel also recorded Beethoven’s sonatas for HMV, but did not get the same results as Skoda. The Article states, that many critics and historians said that Schnabel lacked the technique and intuition to be authentic while playing Beethoven(para-3). The critics also said that he sounded like a 19th century romantic, rather than an 18th century genius pushing the evolution of music on piano. Artur Schnabel was a very talented pianist, but he could not suit the bill. Paul skoda had many ways in how to sound and act the part when he was playing Beethoven’s literature. Toledano states that paul actually worked into the psyche of Beethoven as well as playing on the same kind of pianos as Beethoven