A muscle biopsy mayalso be used to help with diagnosis. In this procedure, a doctor surgically removes a small piece orsample of the muscle and looks at it under the microscope. A muscle with muscular dystrophy hasmany dead and abnormally large muscle fibres. As the disease progresses, the dead muscle is replacedwith fat and other kinds of tissue.There is no cure for muscular dystrophy, but exercise and physical therapy can keep the muscles fromtightening up around the joints. Assistive devices such as braces and wheelchairs can also help peoplewith muscular dystrophy. People with Duchenne muscular dystrophy can also take a corticosteroidmedication for muscle weakness. Every effort should be made to prevent viral infections that couldprogress to pneumonia. Couples that have a history of muscular dystrophy in their families may want togo for genetic