Music Therapy Benefits

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Pages: 4

Music therapy is beneficial for all sorts of things, stress, anxiety, and symptoms of many disorders. Patients spend about an hour during every session listening to music that is specifically picked out for them. This will not cure any patient, but it can help with their quality of life as they live with their disorder. Music therapy is beneficial for many symptoms of mental illnesses in people of all ages.
Music Therapy is a therapeutic method that uses musical interaction as a means of communication and expression.¨Music has become an increasingly popular intervention as it is low cost, easily accessible, and has easy acceptability among users¨ (van Willenswaard et al 2). The use of music therapy has began to take off because it comes with
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With some patients especially, younger children, it can be really tough for them to adjust to even music therapy. They look at their therapists as complete strangers when they first meet so any reaction they can get out of the child can be vidal. ¨Music Therapy may be more usefully framed as an opportunity for interaction where these moments are so rare, and so access should not be restricted to weekly private sessions¨ (Thompson & McFerran 9). When children with a mental illness do not always get the chance to communicate with people other than their parents at home or school, these sessions can really help the child progress in social skills. Sometimes with child patients with severe disorders, therapy is their only interaction with people …show more content…
¨Findings indicated that music therapy, when added to standard care, significantly improved symptoms of schizophrenia such as depression, anxiety, social functioning, cognitive functioning, behavioral development, and overall functioning¨ (Iliya 2). Music therapy has shown a positive outcome to the side effects of many different disorders. The therapy cannot cure the patient but it can help with coping with symptoms that they may experience. ¨Music interventions did not significantly reduce general or pregnancy-specific stress; however, there is preliminary evidence to suggest they may reduce anxiety during pregnancy¨ (van Willenswaard, Kyrsten Corbijn, et al 8). This form of therapy is not only helpful for disorders but can be especially helpful with anxiety in pregnancy. Whether it is dealing with a disorder or pregnancy, music therapy has shown that it calms patients even after one session. There will be people who will look at these facts and only see that there are some things that music therapy does not work for, such as pregnancy-specific stress. But music therapy can not work for everything. It is helpful for some things but it can not fix the problem at the root. No matter what the patient is going through music therapy can relieve some of their symptoms. Music therapy can make the patient’s life easier in whatever they are going