Music Therapy Research Paper

Words: 804
Pages: 4

In this world, we have people who are legally held in prisons known as prisoners. However, in this world, we also have two very inspirational things: music and art. With music, you put on your headphones and let the music take you away. Your music seems to touch a personal part of you that nobody else knows about. Contrary to this, looking at art will make your mind dive straight into it, soaking up every detail. Even though I would rather listen to music than look at art, the fact of the matter is, both of these are absolutely amazing inspirations. As well as the many health benefits. I admit, most prisoners are where they are due to their mistakes in life. However, I believe we should use music and art to rehabilitate prisoners.
Prisoners made mistakes in life and ended up where they are now. Prisoners do not deserve the slightest sympathy for what they have done. All they need to do is suffer and serve out their time. Some would even go as far as to calling them animals and saying they deserve to die. Prisoners have done nothing good to the world, and you want to help them? Helping criminals just so they can go back out into the
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Prisoners can either join in the making of music or just decide to listen, or both. The good thing about music therapy is that no background or experience is necessary ("Art and Music Therapy"). The health benefits of music therapy are amazing. The benefits include: positive changes in mood, relaxation, peace and comfort; anxiety and stress reduction; social interaction with other people; memory recall, reminiscence and satisfaction with life ("Art and Music Therapy"). On the other hand, art therapy is an opportunity for anyone to express themselves while dealing with other emotions. Prior artistic talent is not required and art therapy can help prisoners explore different coping skills ("Art and Music