Music Therapy Research Paper

Words: 1201
Pages: 5

Music Therapy
The Story of My Search
Music has the power to improve one’s cognitive, physical, and mental health. Because I have always known this bit of information, I have wanted to learn more about the science behind how a person can improve by incorporating music with his or her human mind or physical being. I know that instruments are used to aid people in this profession, but I want to know if and how people are taught to play an instrument. I have watched where singing words on a page with patients can help one improve bodily functions, for instance: learning how to talk again. I do, however, want to learn how music can be used for mental purposes other than simply listening to it. Since I am sensitive at times, I also am curious
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Colleges that specialize in this field in Mississippi are William Carey University and Mississippi’s University for Women. Although, I plan on beginning my college education at the University of Mississippi for the basics of music and therapy in general and then attending Mississippi’s University for Women to take specific classes for music therapy. Ole Miss’s tuition cost is $7,744. To be admitted, one has to complete the college preparatory curriculum with a grade point average of at least a 3.2. The information found about Ole Miss was found on the College Calc website. William Carey University’s tuition is $11,700. The entry requirements for this school are to have an application for undergraduate admissions, send in a $40 application fee, a SAT or ACT score, official High School transcript, proof of diseases, and a college transcript if there is one available. This information was found on The Mississippi University of Women’s tuition cost is $6,065. Admission to “The W” requires sending in one’s High School transcript, having a 3.2 grade point average, an ACT score of 16 or SAT score of 770, and the completion of the College Preparatory Curriculum. This information on Mississippi University for Women was found on the Mississippi University for Women website. I was …show more content…
Dr. Osborn explained to me that there are an unlimited amount of opportunities being a music therapist; one can work with all ages in many facilities. One can even work with a mother in labor to deliver a baby using music for relaxation and stimulation just to push the baby out and one can work with the elderly to help one feel well and to reminisce using types of music they have enjoyed. One can even work in a psychiatric facility with people with drug addiction and psychotic disorders. Where the music therapist works also depends on whether or not they are dealing with more mentally or physically ill people. Leading into the genres of music used in this therapy, she mentioned how it is important that you take into consideration the client’s interests and music taste before forming an assessment, which is the first thing one does when beginning therapeutic treatments with someone. In an assessment, the music therapist takes into consideration the person’s age, diagnosis, interests, attention span, and academic skills. Dr. Osborn also stated how a part of therapy is building rapport with the patient. Another thing we discussed was the reason music therapy has become more popular recently, and she explained that research has boomed and that it is being broadcasted, doctors are beginning