Music Therapy Research Paper

Words: 443
Pages: 2

Music therapy: Music therapy is more than just listening to music. People think of music therapy as people laying on a bed/couch passively listening to music with their minds far away from the world, but it’s more. Yes, this is a form of music therapy however, music therapy is more active than people think. Playing instruments and singing just as much a part of music therapy as listening to a recording of someone making the music. However the best way to incorporate music therapy into your like is to sit or lay down with your eyes closed and “let the melody transport you to a magical place where troubles are not allowed” (pg. 263).
Music therapy: Studies have shown that non-verbal music produces a calming effect rather than music with lyrics. This is because the left hemisphere of your brain (the analytical and verbal side of the brain) becomes activated
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That being said I love being outside whether it be with my friends or by myself. I grew up on a farm and it has played a major role in who I am today. If I’m being completely honest I get cranky when I haven’t been outside for a long time. I try to incorporate going outside in my ever day routine, whether it’s intentionally walking outside to classes or going for a walk after dinner. Now that it is starting to get a little colder I don’t want to be outside as much which is causing me to reside inside. Something that always brings me outside is fall. Between apple picking and pumpkin picking as well as going for hikes to enjoy the beautiful scenery. There is so much beauty in nature, I think between the hustle and bustle of everyday life we forget to stop and appreciate I think it would be nice if academics could incorporate the outdoors a little, this would break up the day and even have positive effects on the body. Sitting all day doesn’t just effect the body but the mind as