Music Therapy Research Paper

Words: 1037
Pages: 5

Music therapy is the use of interference to achieve individual goals within a therapeutic relationship by a certified professional who has completed a music therapy program.
Uses music and all of its aspects:
And spiritual
To assist clients recover their physical and mental health.
The principle of music as a restoration influence which could have an impact on health and behavior is at least as ancient as the writings of Plato and Aristotle. The 20th century career formally started after World War I and World War II when society musicians, both amateur and professional, went around the country to Veterans hospitals to play for thousands suffering both physical, mental and emotional shock from the wars.
The patients' outstanding physical, mental and emotional reaction to music led the doctors to request hiring musicians by the hospitals. The hospital musicians
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Sound waves travel through its passage until the moment when they bang and strike the eardrum causing it to vibrate. As a result, the ear takes these vibrations from the eardrum into nerve impulses, which therefore takes the vibrations to the brain where they get analyzed and decoded.
When we hear and sing the vibrations of the sounds can break through our skin, ears, bones, and intestines. Our physical bodies become like big resonators, acting and responding to the vibrational manners around us. When we keep an eye on two pendulums in close contact, they reverberate and synchronize at the same recurrence. This phenomena is called entrainment, and it is the reason behind why our heartbeat and our breathing tend to follow up with the beat of music we listen or hymn.
One therapy based on a neuroscience model of music perception and production, and the impact of music on functional changes and behavior functions in non-musical brain.
NMT studies:
How the brain is without