Musical Hamilton Research Paper

Words: 699
Pages: 3

The American Musical Hamilton combines history, music, and storytelling to explain the life of Alexander Hamilton. It talks about his legacy, for example his writings, and how he organized national banks. They really captured his ambitions as a public figure. I knew a little bit of information about Alexander Hamilton before we started the musical, such as the wars he was involved in and the essays he wrote. The Musical Hamilton offers a new perspective on important events in American history, through the eyes of Alexander Hamilton. Towards the beginning they are talking about the revolutionary war, highlighting key battles such as the Battle of Yorktown “The Battle of Yorktown, 1781”(Hamilton Line 1) and Hamilton's role as being George Washington's …show more content…
He was the first Secretary of the Treasury and set up a money system that helped the economy. His ideas, like making the First Bank of the United States and taking on state debts, built a strong financial base and made people trust America's money. Hamilton also believed in a strong central government and helped write the Federalist Papers, which were important for making the U.S. Constitution. His writings, especially the Federalist Papers, still inspire people today with their support for government by the people. Hamilton's legacy shows how one person's ideas can really change a country. In conclusion, Alexander Hamilton is portrayed as a super important figure, embodying being both smart and strong. Hamilton shows incredible ambition, coming from a sad background to becoming a founding father of the United States. His contributions to shaping the nation's financial and political system are very important. As a politician, Hamilton demonstrates both great problem solving and strategic skills, advocating for a strong central government and representing incredible responsibility despite facing criticism and hate. The musical "Hamilton" stands as an awesome way of telling his