Don’t let vacation or personal days go to waste: Often employees feel that they can’t take advantage of time off due to work demands. Don’t let well-deserved time go to waste- utilize this time to catch up on time away or activities you enjoy. If your company allows personal days, take them! Learning to feel guilt-free on managing your emotional and mental health with occasional time away from work is a huge step towards stress reduction.
4. Prioritize your tasks at work or at home and avoid procrastinating: Procrastination is a very common temptation when our work demands become greater. Avoid procrastination by creating a plan and breaking up larger job tasks into smaller ones, giving yourself plenty of breaks in between. This can apply anywhere from physical job tasks to desk work. Just make sure you have a plan.
5. Shut off technology. Technology is a blessing and a curse. When it comes to employees who are always connected to technology and work, it can be hard to avoid emails or calls when you are done with your work day. For employees in physically demanding jobs, technology can be an escape after work, but it also can prevent you from decompressing and taking up activities that are mentally and physically stimulating. Try setting guidelines with your job and communicate a specific time you will answer emails or phone calls and try limiting internet or social media time after work to allow yourself to get out and enjoy other