National Junior Honor Society Research Paper

Words: 591
Pages: 3

For the past year and a half that I have been at Carle Place Middle School, I have worked my hardest to excel in all of my classes. Because of my hard work, I think I would be the perfect candidate for the National Junior Honor Society. Also, I think I exemplify the traits of leadership, service, character, and citizenship that the society is looking for. One way I show leadership is in sports teams, as a student, and to younger children. For example, during sporting events. I am a part of the school's field hockey, basketball, and lacrosse teams. During games when we are losing or in distress about something going wrong, I try to figure out how to help the teams excel and maybe win the game. Another example of leadership is when working in pairs or groups. When I'm in math, …show more content…
These examples have shown that I am a great leader and role model to my peers and others around me. I have exemplified service by being a girl scout, working as a counselor, and helping people in school. When I was a girl scout I would volunteer at food pantries, help out at Ronald McDonald House, and sell Girl Scout cookies for fundraisers. As I referred to earlier in the essay, when working at The Life Camp I was granted 20 hours of community service for working with the children for free. Also, I have offered help to my friends and other peers at school who are struggling with what they are learning so I can help them understand. Ultimately, I think I have shown service to the people around me. According to Oxford Languages, character means “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.” I show the quality of character to people around me daily. For example, after my sister was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia, I have learned how to help her with school and other things she's finding