These examples have shown that I am a great leader and role model to my peers and others around me. I have exemplified service by being a girl scout, working as a counselor, and helping people in school. When I was a girl scout I would volunteer at food pantries, help out at Ronald McDonald House, and sell Girl Scout cookies for fundraisers. As I referred to earlier in the essay, when working at The Life Camp I was granted 20 hours of community service for working with the children for free. Also, I have offered help to my friends and other peers at school who are struggling with what they are learning so I can help them understand. Ultimately, I think I have shown service to the people around me. According to Oxford Languages, character means “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.” I show the quality of character to people around me daily. For example, after my sister was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia, I have learned how to help her with school and other things she's finding