NOS provide a valuable resource to schools that use them to assist in the creation of job descriptions and roles and responsibilities, as well as underpinning training, progression and supporting development needs of staff. …show more content…
Training for support staff is seen as important with the selective NOS being utilized in performance management reviews to acknowledge and identify training needs for individuals.
NOS STL39, 40 and 41 contend with the effective support of those children with learning difficulties, with each STL concentrating on the variety of support needed for differing difficulties. STL39 details how to provide support competently for those pupils with speech and language delays, including those children with dyslexia. Whilst STL40 still requires effective support for pupils with learning difficulties it focuses more on children who have a combination of both learning difficulties and behaviour difficulties which compound their additional needs. STL41 goes further to develop skills needed to effectively support pupils with behaviour, emotional and social development needs.
Working currently in a low ability class many children need the support as described in the above NOS. The majority of the class display immature behaviour with some children being withdrawn and isolated socially. One individual child displays school phobic reactions that need to be handled sensitively. Several children present challenging behaviours which requires effective behaviour management strategies.
These pupils have many more additional needs than a higher ability class. The school use the NOS along with whole school targets in performance management reviews annually, identifying both skills