Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment

Words: 652
Pages: 3

Map: The primary visual feature of the State College Sound Map application is the map, which was implemented using the Leaflet API. The purpose of this map to not only provide the user with the spatial location of our data collection points, but to also allow the user to visually interpret the sound attributes of location type, recording loudness and recording type. Based on recommendations by MacEachren (1995) on the use of map signs, we designed a set of custom multivariate map symbols. We first choose to represent location type through associative symbols with high iconicity. For instance, bars are represented by a beer mug, and restaurants by a slice of pizza. These selected symbols are commonly associated with these establishments. …show more content…
To simplify the data and improve user cognition, the ability to filter the data was essential. To accomplish this we have implemented a series of radio buttons which allow the user to filter by attribute values for example, time of recording, type of recording, and location type. Craft, Block, and Cairns (2012) state, “the best implementations of filtering are those that immediately update the display, which allows users to quickly see how variable changes affect the data”. For this reason, we immediately redraw the map in concurrence with any filter selection changes. If the user at any point wishes to remove the current filter selections, there is a reset button which returns the application to its initial state.
Parallel Coordinate Plot (PCP): Within the application we have provided the user with a second method for visualizing and interacting with the quantitative data from our sound recordings, through the use of a parallel coordinate plot. The PCP is located in the upper right corner of the application and was built using Mike Bostocks’ D3 javascript library. D3 allows us to dynamically view and manipulate our sound recording