Nurse anesthetist will usually work 24 hour rotation shifts for 2-3 days a week. So as a nurse anesthetist you would have a lot of free time. For a couple days during the week you would be working extremely long hours, but you would have an extremely short work week. This would allow you to be free to be at home or raise children easily. In my opinion, it would be extremely difficult to start your own anesthesia business as a crna. If one wanted to open their own anesthesia business, i would only recommend that if your were an anesthesiologist. As a crna, you would only be able to administer anesthesia normally. But, in the state of Texas, crna can administer anesthesia without an anesthesiologist present, so in our state you could open your own anesthesia business as a crna. Granted, you have a doctor on payroll to perform surgery and to oversee your anesthesia administration. You cannot legally administer anesthesia from your home. So sadly, you cannot do this career from home. Nurse anesthetist are able to have a family lifestyle. If you find a hospital or clinic you can work from in your close vicinity, you can be easily accessible to your