Nursing Leadership Analysis

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Pages: 4

During this painful and anxious time, patients need a very good leader to control their emotion, to encourage to come out from their weaknesses and motivate and have the company of somebody to listen them.
A person who has got a good vision towards their colleges or employees and other people with an inspiring attitude and an understanding idea needing exceptional qualities is called leadership. In the nursing profession, a nurse manager's personal style leadership, impacts multiple aspects of healthcare facilities operation (Thecommuter,2016).
There are five different types of leaderships which are: Autocratic leadership, Democratic leadership, Visionary leadership, transformational leadership, Laissez
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Employees can put forward their opinions and share information to take feedback, welcome their staff information, their skilled and unskilled experiences and their knowledge, decide in which all employee takes part for the decisions making process. For the decision-making process this is the highly effective leadership in all organization. When employees feel their voice has been heard, they will feel they have been respected and valued for their opinions which will encourage them to give more opinion in future for decision making. In this leadership there are some drawbacks as well, due to time consuming some time it will be or it is hard to involve all the employees at the same time, so some employees feel that they have not been heard or they are not valued than others (Lockwood, …show more content…
Patients can express their right question to the right person with help of the uniform code. The Welcome to ward 3 may help or will help very anxious patients slowly and gradually to build up their confidence. Families can relax, and they will feel more comfortable. This can build trust between patients and families with Healthcare professionals.
We have a clear message that will improve the patient experience by giving patients and their relatives information about what to expect during their hospital stay, as well as the confidence to ask questions about their care and health ( Hospital “Welcome pack” wins innovation award,2013) Through the welcome to ward 3, we hope our patients will feel more empowered to tell staff about their wishes and preferences during their hospital stay. Providing more information means build safe bridge between family and healthcare