Nursing Leadership Plan

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Pages: 4

The type of visionary nurse leader that I would like to be is a motivator which is a high achiever. This person pulls you in toward achievement but not to conform, but to accomplish goals and objectives (Leadlow & Stephens, 2018). Currently, I am a skeptic or also known as “challengers,” in that I am excited to explore life and propositions. According to the authors of the text, the skeptic challenges institutionalism.
My leadership plans have started with United Networking for Organ Sharing and The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid guidelines and ensuring that the department is within compliance with all that I audit. And when new issues arise, I notify the manager of transplant and the director of quality. The second major project is working
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The ITNS is “committed to the promotion of excellence in transplant clinical nursing by providing educational and professional growth opportunities, interdisciplinary networking and collaborative activities and transplant nursing research” (DFW ITNS, n.d.). Attending and obtaining certifications in Lean Six Sigma will display to others that I am serious about improved quality, reduced waste, and improved cycle times (Lean Six Sigma Training Certification, 2017). The white belt is on line and the yellow belt is a two-day course. And lastly, the AONE has an Emerging Nurse Leaders Institute which looks very like some of the concepts that we have learned through the master’s program. The objectives are as follows: “Managing the Business, Quality & Patient Safety, IOM Future of Nursing, Calling the Circle Principles, and Creating the Leader Within” (AONE, …show more content…
Even though she is not a nurse, she does have a master’s in business administration. B.S. has been in this present position for at least seven years or longer, but has been in the Baylor system for over thirty years. Hence, she knows the system and people well. B.S. offices at the Dallas campus and visits the BSWAS campus once to twice a week. Regarding the supply chain, there are several different departments that handle supplies. For example, computers are handled through the Information Technologies department. The ordering of computer printers is through Lawson and the installation is through Information Services. The Human Resources representative will be a valuable source to locate guidelines, policies, and forms. The Director of Transplant Operations has a great amount of input during the budgeting period. For example, Transplant Administration budgets for the numbers of transplant for livers and for kidneys. Currently two months into the fiscal year and BSWAS is 60% at budget for the livers and 25% for the kidneys. This has been a phenomenal