Obesity In America

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Pages: 10

Obesity has become a fast-growing epidemic among young adults in America due to the lack of physical activity, poor dieting, and genetics. Obesity has already been linked to different health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Every day is a food war with the busy lifestyle of an american eating healthy seems to always be a last resort which is why we are losing the strive to be healthy here in the states. We are so set on the different food industry to satisfy our appetites and when they cant we tend to over feed ourselves. This will not only affect ourselves but our children and future generation the rate of different health effects and our life span will be shorten undoubtedly. Obesity does not happen from one day …show more content…
On a less lethal level, the obese are subject to a variety of inconveniences and mistreatments, from difficulty in climbing stairs or walking long distances to discrimination and being judged less competent.”(7) Obesity is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease, hypertension, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colon cancer and certain musculoskeletal disorders. ( robert pool 7) Obese people today are more likely to develop a variety of diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, than people who are not overweight, and they die earlier than their non-obese peers. When the years progress of being obese the main heart arteries build up plaque over the years which stops the circulation of oxygen and blood causing a heart attack or your heart can't produce enough blood for your bodys needs which then causes heart failure and leads to an early …show more content…
There has been a global concern that the numbers of this problem will continue to skyrocket all over the world. There is no doubt that childhood obesity is link to a poor diet and lack of physical activity. Honor Whiteman of Medical News Today states “The availability of liquid calories and empty calories, combined with a deluge of fast food and junk food advertisements, have changed the way children eat. The majority of children fail to meet the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity and spend a huge amount of time sitting. The way we've structured our daily lives makes it hard for children to live healthily”. The lifestyles of kids have changed a lot in the past years from a child having one serving of a snack to now maybe eating six snacks a day over doing the calories that are recommended a child should get. Children now are less likely to be required to participate in gym classes at school or to any type of physical activity outside of school, and they are more likely to spend their time watching television. Honor Whiteman states “Children now spend an average of 7.5 hours a day using entertainment media”. The neighborhood that a child lives in can also lead to obesity because parents do not feel that it is safe for their children to play outside or it may be a plan suburb with no park near their