When Odysseus and his crew are trapped on an island they stumble across a cyclops, Polyphemus. Polyphemus is vicious and will not hesitate to kill his crew, Odysseus recognises this and tries to deceive the Cyclops to save his crew. Odysseus devices Polyphemus by giving him wine, by saying it is the drink of a god. “I had with me a goatskin bottle of black wine, sweet wine.” When Polyphemus drinks the beverage he immediately feel drowsy, he is so tired that he immediately falls in bed. Polyphemus is not sleeping however, he still has the strength to kill his crew, but when he asks odysseus for his name his crew was going to give it up. Though Odysseus trick the Cyclops again by saying his name is nobody. “Nobody is my name. My Father and Mother call me nobody, as do all the other who are my …show more content…
When Odysseus and the Greeks make a scheme to hid inside a wooden horse called the Trojan horse and attack the Trojans when they are asleep. This masterminded attacked thought of by Odysseus helped the Greeks win the war, when they were to surly to lose. The Trojans assumed that the Greeks had retreated from their previous attack. However, Odysseus and the Greek recognised that they were underdogs and they used that to infiltrate Troy. ”But come thy theme, and sing the building of the horse of wood, the horse which once Odysseus led up into the Citadel as a thing of Guile, when he had filled it with the men who sacrificed