From the beginning of this story it shows that there is a hole that needed to be filled in Travis’s heart, that filler was Old Yeller. …show more content…
One more good example of the love Old Yeller shows to Travis is when he saves Travis’s mother. “Right after them came the wolf, like he had his mind fixed on catching them, and nothing else. But Old Yeller fought him too hard and too fast. Yeller wasn’t big and strong enough to stop him, but he kept him slowed down and fought away from Jumper and mama.” The wolf of course was rabid. Old Yeller was bitten by the wolf, so no chances could be taken, Old Yeller had to be put down. Travis had to end his best friendship he had ever had with a single gunshot, and it broke his heart as described here. “Days went by, and I couldn’t seem to get over it. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't cry. I was all empty inside.” This shows the horrible damaging effect of letting Old Yeller, a simple dog get too close to Travis. He is completely beside himself for days, even weeks and he just couldn’t get over it. This showed the change in theme from love always being great, to heartbreak and sadness as I described in the