Open And Approachable

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Pages: 5

Open and Approachable
People in general are usually more comfortable approaching a person who is humble, trustworthy, and people who care themselves well and are confident. First things first, in order for someone to be more approachable, they need to be able others. Therefore, the NUM as a congruent leader needs to meet all of these components and make sure that she is open and approachable, that way the nursing staffs that are resisting the new policies and procedure can come forward. She would also have to take an interest in their views. The NUM would need to find out what their values and beliefs are and what their thoughts are about the change at hand. The NUM also needs to reassure the nursing staff that she appreciates the work that
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It is used to assist the leader with self-knowledge, thereby empowering and freeing them to explore possible future scenarios that support others whilst improving clinical practice Stanley (2011). Empowerment combines the meanings of transferring power to others with a notion of enabling others to act independently and have the authority to analyse situations and take proactive decisions. Exceptional leaders enable others to act because the support and assistance of others is needed to achieve success Huber (2005). For empowerment to be effective the NUM in charge would need to imply the six means of empowering the Nursing staff to follow the policy and procedure manual. The first one is, providing the necessary skills required for the job to be completed. You cannot expect them to do the assigned tasks if they don’t have the necessary skills required for the job. Training must be provided for them to bridge the skills gap. The second method of empowering others is to provide them with sufficient authority to decide on how they will complete the tasks. It is important for nursing staff to have a clear idea about the outcome and where their task fits in the overall scheme of things. The NUM would also need to build their confidence. If they believe they can do it then the chances of them being able to do it are very high. The last one is providing them with feedback on how they went with …show more content…
It is important to build relationship with the people that you lead or intend on leading. If you are unable to successfully build a relationship them, you are most likely going to lose you opportunity to truly become their leader in the nearby future. True leaders make building real relationships with their followers’ one of their top priorities, they even go out of their way to schedule time into their day for relationship building. It is important for the NUM to build relationship with the other nursing staff as she is new in her leadership position. She would need to get familiar with everyone in the ward. She has to be aware that her success as a leader, dependent on the success of the followers. The relationship does not necessarily have to extend outside of the work environment but it does need to be robust enough for them to know, without a doubt, that they are valued for what they do and who they are. A leader’s relationship with their followers needs to be real and honest. As their leader, you need to know something about them and even their families. You cannot demonstrate that you care about your followers unless you can show them that you actually know them as a person Manion