p1 business Essay

Submitted By badboy7867867
Words: 1228
Pages: 5

Explain different types of business information, their sources and their sources.

Marriott is an American hospitality company that manages and franchises a broad portfolio of hotels. Marriott was founded by J. Willard Marriott, the company is now led by President and Chief Executive Officer Arne Sorenson and J. Willard Marriott's son, J. W. Marriott, Jr. is the Executive Chairman. Marriott International is the largest hotel company with more than 4,087 properties in over 80 countries and territories around the world, over 697,000 rooms and additional 195,000 rooms in the development pipeline Marriott International was formed in 1993 when Marriott Corporation split into two companies, Marriott International and Host Marriott Corporation.

Verbal communication
Verbal communication can either be done face-to-face or over the telephone. The best way to communicate is face-to-face because there is less space for misunderstanding and it allows for verbal and non-verbal messages. The advantage of using verbal information is it's easier to communicate verbally than any other way because you get to understand every detail that is being spoken by the other person and speech enables complex ideas to be expressed and discussed. Some people find talking is the most comfortable method of expression. For example Marriott’s communicates with their staff verbally at a staff meeting about the new plans for the business and the changes that is happening and this is an advantage because the staff get to ask questions about the changes and they can get their opinions across about the plans. Also the employee will feel appreciated by the employer if they are being listened about their opinions which can lead the employee to stay in the business but the disadvantage is if Marriott makes decisions about the improvement of the theme park without the employee's knowledge then this can lead for the employee to resign the job. The disadvantage of using verbal information is that it's not always possible for Marriott meet in person because with the constraints of time and budgets in business.
Marriott uses Verbal information, an example of this would be at the start of a shift and one of the manager’s is telling a member of staff what they need to focus on for the time they are working there. This is the best form of information for this type of business as their staff needs to be told what to do straight away, and so this is one benefit of using verbal information in order to pass information on to other people. Another type of verbal information that Marriott will use as a business is through the telephone, and this is used when people outside of the business are trying to get in contact with the hotel its self. This source of information is being produced through the employees of Marriott such as managers delegating other employees to assigned tasks, and then the employees and managers when answering the phone.

Written information
Written information is the use of physical symbols to represent words. Words are sounds that make up speech. Other forms of physical representation, such as diagrams, graphs and charts are also types of visual representation.
Written information may come from a wide variety of sources including written information is vital at Marriott’s and is used throughout the business. An example of written information is a bank statement which is an external piece of information that comes from the accounts department within Marriott’s The purpose of this information is to help the business keep their investments and income regulated so that they are making a profit. Another type of written information is newspapers and magazines this is because the purpose of this information is to inform customers of the service that Marriott they provide giving information about their hotel prices.

On screen information may be produced on-screen. This can be seen in multimedia TV and CD-ROMs that combine