This was made in 1903 during Picasso’s “Blue Period”. The blue period was when Picasso became depressed from many sequences happening in his life. During the time period which lasted about three years, Picasso’s friend Carlos Casagemas, committed suicide from a failed love affair. In this art, you see an old man sitting on what it seems to be a sidewalk in front of a building playing his guitar with his head down and legs crossed. The man seems to be suffering from old age and also from hunger. The man seems to be poor and is trying to play his guitar just for a meal. The man has a ripped shirt and has no shoes. Despite being poor, the man is trying to work just for money, this is to show he is still a working man. This artifact is currently displayed at the art institute of Chicago. Picasso’s poverty led him to relate to beggars and being the outcast of