Patient Oriented Discharge Teaching

Words: 1240
Pages: 5

Research Implications
Nursing Knowledge After this study, nurses will gain knowledge on whether the implementation of a more patient-oriented discharge teaching session will make a difference in hospital readmission rates within the population of heart failure patients. The conclusions of this study will provide insight into the benefits of recorded discharge teaching and the use of an electronic health patient portal system in which the patient has home access to. Having this knowledge will promote more effective interventions when providing discharge teaching. Knowing that a discharge teaching session will be recorded will also ensure that the nurse is providing thorough and accurate teaching. This will require that a nurse understands
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Since the use of multiple variables were implemented into the study, including recorded discharge teaching, the teach-back method, and the use of an electronic patient portal system, one or all of the interventions could be put into practice. With the assumption that the results affirm the hypothesis, discharge teaching will include these interventions that promote patient involvement throughout the process in the hospital and in the home setting. Nurses will have the material needed to better understand the patient’s condition and then use that information to teach the patient, while recording the session. After the patient has time to review what was taught, the nurse should encourage that the patient teach-back what is learned. The nurse will add the informative material respective to the patient’s diagnosis to their patient portal system. The nurse will also include information on each of the medications prescribed, the recorded session, and any material that assists the patient with specific needs they may have. This is the opportunity for the nurse to practice individualized care as they select the information to include in the patient portal system. Putting more thought and effort into the discharge teaching process will hopefully aid in the reduction of …show more content…
This provides a place for the nurse to add educative materials about a patient’s condition that the patient can read up on and any information specific to the patient’s needs. The use of this could promote quality and safety, if done properly. However, the use of this is more costly and would require time for training nurses and other healthcare members in the use of the system. In addition to this, another issue that arises is the limited time nurses have to carry out this thorough type of discharge process. Research into a more time-efficient and cost-effective approach similar to the interventions done in the study, would be