High-quality delivery of health care is something that most everyone can agree is important. Quality improvement (QI) measures are used to decrease medical errors while improving patient safety measures in hopes of improving the overall delivery of health care (Burns, Bradley, Weiner, & Shortell, 2012). Poor quality not only results in patient harm, but also is one of the driving costs of rising health care expenditures (Sipma, 2018). QI measures are classified as structural, process, or outcome measure. Each is a specific piece of the puzzle. To be successful, leaders in organizations must look for continuous ways to improve quality and patient safety outcomes (McFadden, Stoke, & Gowen, 2015).
Methodist Healthcare not only …show more content…
Their goal is to break the disparities and offer quality care and outreach to improve overall health populations (Quality of Care, 2018). The structural measure of QI are the aspects of the organization or the individual’s actions that impact the quality or the organization’s performance. For Methodist Healthcare, this would be computerized physician order entry (CPOE) for medication, which has be proven to reduce medication errors by up to 85%, barcode medication administration system (BCMA) or safe medication administration, which matches correct patient to correct medication order, and accreditation by the Joint Commission and superior ratings by the LeapFrog Group Hospital ratings. Structural measures focus on the environment of care and its administrative policies and processes, and often times, these structural measures can be the first place to look when looking to improve quality (Measure Management System, n.d.). The next measure is process. This is how the care is delivered, or how the work is carried out in the organization (Burns et al., 2012). For Methodist, they focus on proper hand hygiene, specifically in the ICU, as this is one of the easiest