Peaceful Protest Movement

Words: 408
Pages: 2

Protesting has been a very effective way to change ideas throughout history. For example in 1963, while in front of the nation, Martin Luther King Jr. lead one of the best peaceful protest of all time. Mrs. King knew that peaceful protest were the only way anything could be accomplished in a very discriminative country that was the United States at the time. I believe the most effective way for change is nonviolence; this is proven by anti war movements, the forest demonstrations protests, and the civil rights movement. To start, Anti War movements have been a very successful way to protest. “nation wide protest… against the war in Vietnam… Actions included refusal to pay for war, refusal to enlist”(Starr 3). The vietnam war was very unpopular with the american people. People decided to revolt peacefully by refusing many military actions. The vietnam war protest was a iconic protest, and a amazing example of extraordinary protest.
Secondly, the forest demonstrations are very important example of a protest.”civil disobedience… sit-ins, blockades, tree sits, and forest occupations”(Starr 3). There has been many forest demonstrations throughout the world. There protests show they can protect the trees without being violent. Their nickname
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King's thoughts on peaceful protests, Malcolm X had the idea we needed to use guns for self defense. He stated “A man with a rifle… can only be stopped by a person who defends himself with a rifle” (Malcolm X 1). It is a effective way to get your way, but I believe that peacefulness is better. Again, this is shown by Martin Luther King in his famous letter from Birmingham Jail. He was arrested, and thrown in prison; it was straight racism. “Process of self-purification… workshops on nonviolence.. Asked ourselves the questions, “ are you able to accepts blows “ (King Jr 2). Even though he knew he was being wronged, he told his followers to be peaceful and calm. He knew being peaceful would be the best