Personal Leadership Philosophy Paper

Words: 1334
Pages: 6

I have witnessed several varied examples of leadership throughout my life, and developed a personal leadership philosophy that encompasses all of these observations. By my personal definition, leadership is about using personal strengths to guide others to achieve a common goal. To accomplish this, I have found three leadership competencies to be the most useful: strategic thinking, accountability, and personnel support. Strategic thinking is key in planning for the future, with the flexibility and forethought to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. Accountability is necessary to hold yourself to a higher standard and earn the respect of your team, and personnel support is the glue that holds a team together and builds trust because supported …show more content…
The team as a whole was responsible for our own success, but she and the other leaders on the team were always held to the highest standard; they were expected to be early, have the best attitudes, and put in the most effort at practices. This was hammered home in the athletic leadership academy classes she taught for the school as well; everyone as leaders of their own teams were expected to be the hardest working. She also focused on ensuring each member of the team was able to compete to the best of their ability by ensuring the wellbeing of all team members. Everyone was approached with an individualized coaching style for their specific needs. She focused on the whole athlete rather than just performance, and it inspired the team to rise to her expectations. As a member of the Manatee County Beach patrol, I also observed excellent examples of leadership. In the unpredictable environment on the beach, it is important to make informed calls quickly and effectively. One of the lieutenants was very effective at strategic thinking and planning when determining which assets to use and which rescues were safe to make. Members of the team trusted him because he made quick and clear