Personal Leadership Philosophy Paper

Words: 805
Pages: 4

Leadership Philosophy
BMCM J. D. Olson

Leadership Leadership has been defined by so many great leaders in history and I have been influenced by those writings and also people that I have been in contact over my life. To me leadership is defined “Inspiring a group of people to achieve a common goal”. I have had so many leaders in my career, and I have learned from two distinct groups of people. First being really bad leaders and the traits that I would never follow, the second are leaders that I aspire to emulate through their great actions. One of the leaders that challenged me the greatest was my commanding officer on a 110’ patrol boat, the first commissioned officers I have worked with. He demonstrated a
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All my improvements hinge around one common theme, and that is Communication. I have heard my entire career that “Communication is the key to success” and I don’t know if I have even heard something more true. I will ask for more feedback from my people and include them more in the decisions that affect them. This is truly important because you are getting all the different aspects of a problem prior to executing a way forward. This will also enable your unit leaders buy in to the process and inspire them to carry out that action with a passion. I will open those lines of communication and share a clear path to the future and set achievable goals with milestones that we together can tackle the task at hand. One of the biggest improvements I plan on doing is recognize those members who have exemplified commitment to our shared vision. Examples will be nomination of Sailor of the quarter , a unit coin presentation in front of the crew, or a personal award if …show more content…
For me family provides the drive in all my endeavors at work and in my personal life. It is also the corner stone of my search and rescue philosophy, that I will treat ever case I am on as it is one of my family members in need. I will also always look out for my crewmembers family needs because if they are focused on emerging problems at home their focus will not be at work, and that could jeopardize some one in the community’s life.
Security: I want all members of my command to feel secure and safe. By job is to provide the best working environment possible to ensure that each member can achieve their highest potential.
Freedom: I will strive to provide everyone to express their thoughts and ideas in a non-attributable environment. I also feel very strongly about letting people thrive in their work and helping them when they need it while not trying to manage every step of the process.
Service: I have always felt a deep seeded need to serve our nation, our community and our members. With service comes sacrifice of some very important things, but is should never be done in vain. If I sacrifice my self’s or my crews most precious commodity “time” it should always have a higher meaning. That meaning will always serve the greater good of this nation and not my personal