This is a very sensitive area as everyone reacts differently to feedback - some people take it positively, and other take it personally. Steve had some tips on giving feedback to others. The first is to keep the feedback short and concise. He recommends having 2-3 brief bullet points. Often he will write out the feedback he would like to make, and he continues to read and re-read the items until he can summarize the feedback into just a few points. If the feedback has more than 4 points, he blames himself for not giving enough direction and intervening earlier. The second tip is go give examples. If there is no example to back up the bullet point, then the person giving the feedback has lost credibility and really has no proof or reason for the point. The last tip is to ultimately take full responsibility. Steve said that even if he did not make the mistake, he takes ultimate ownership for it because he is the one who is the leader and everything starts and end with