I ruined my hair as I grew older. Chemical treatments relaxing and damaging beautiful curls. A mane tamed to hide itself from the world. Then as I got older it was fried and flattened. I think part of my issues stemmed from the lack of curly headed girls at my elementary school and on TV. For seven years no other girl in school had curly hair and skin like me. No one had large untamable hair …show more content…
I had to be patient every time I braided my hair so it could properly heal from the damage I had inflicted on it. In a way I was letting myself heal from the absence of role models and the years I spent rejecting myself. Then my junior year I cut most of it off. I had not cut my hair that much since the third grade. I now had a curly bob that felt as free as I did. I now hate the thought of straightening it. I now have a poof that represents me without trying to. This summer I made the decision to dye my hair pink. Not because I hated the brownish black color I had, but because I liked pink and thought it would be fun. And that's how young brown girls should feel. They should love every part of themselves and only change things about themselves because they feel it would be fun. My hair is a huge part of who I am and I don’t know who I would be if I didn’t learn to accept it and its