Personal Narrative: My American Dream

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Pages: 4

I emigrated from my home country Mexico to the United States in 2004. I am the only one out of my other three siblings that was not born in the United States. I only spent about 5 years in Mexico while I have spent the rest of my life here although I still feel relatively new and like an outsider here. I was very young when I left my home in Mexico but as crazy as it may sound I still vividly remember how my life was then as well as the struggle to come to a new country and get accustomed to it as best as possible. It was very painful for me to leave the life I knew behind although I now realize how harder it was for my parents as they ultimately come to the United States for a chance at a better life for them and me. The American dream indeed. …show more content…
Life at Mexico was amazing. I was genuinely happy being surrounded by my family especially my grandparents whom I was dearly close to. My father wasn’t around a lot of the time while I was still in Mexico due to the fact that he went to the United States first than me and my mother to be able to provide for us as there were simply not enough jobs that paid enough to sustain my family. I was hurt not being able to be with my father whenever I wanted but I had my mother by my side and that was more than enough. My mother and I lived a genuine joyful life while we were in Mexico. She had her family, friends, and she had a roof to stay under. I was the happiest that I thought I could ever