Personal Narrative: My American Dream

Words: 542
Pages: 3

Sam Turner
Mr. Phimister
20 September 2013
My American Dream My American dream is, what I consider, quite an ambitious one. This dream includes the profession in which I would like to pursue, the places I want to visit and live in, and my dreams for a family life. This American Dream exhibits my highest hopes for my future. The poster I have made exhibits my dream in a linear order from top left, going down that row, and starting at the top of the second and third row in the same way. This essay will explain these pictures in the same linear, chronological order.
In college, I want to major in psychology, and I hope to achieve a PhD in that field. This, of course, will take much dedication and time; as a PhD in psychology takes five to seven years to obtain. I am prepared to work for this dream though, for I thoroughly enjoy psychology. I also love the idea of helping people with their problems through therapy. I haven’t made an absolute decision as to which college I will attend, however, Stanford University has the best Psychology program in the U.S.; this makes Stanford is definitely a possibility.
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I would love to live in a couple of other countries besides the U.S. for a few years each. One of the countries I would like to live in is Italy. Italy has quite an amazing history; the ancient history of Italy especially interests me. The history of the great Roman Empire is quite intriguing and I would love to live in Italy, where all of the amazing history took place. The other country I want to live in is Japan. Japanese culture is extremely fascinating to me, and I find it quite appealing. So I would like to experience this culture first hand. I would like to live in both of these countries for a few years. Whether I would be working as a psychologist in these countries, I do not