Personal Narrative: My Cultural Identity

Words: 939
Pages: 4

Cultural Identity

Identity is made up of nine different groups, according to the text ( Samovar,Porter,p244) there are many different ways that people would identify who they are, just by what they do or where they came from. Identity goes into who that person is and why they do what they do. Looking into the text there was many different reasoning’s to look at identity that would never cross my mind. Looking at the different styles and features of art that people would put on their bodies (tattoos, piercings) this would give the individuals a sense of who they believe they are by their environment. While continuing to read there was a list of different Identities from racial, ethnic gender, national regional, organizational, personal, cyber
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Each and every one has and had such a great impact on my life; this was not an easy task to understand. With that being said, I had to go over what do I muse over more than anything else and that would be my personal Identity. Since I was a little girl my mother would always express to me that I was different. From I was four years Old I would find myself wondering off doing things by myself. This was nothing new to me, as it would bother many of my family members. However, with me thinking on this I can understand why this particular part would come off distinctive. There is something that is very interesting about being different than those that I speak with on a daily basis.
Some of my friends and even co-workers may desire to go out on Monday afternoon, however I feel mostly feel that it would not be wise and stay home. The reason being is I feel that taking care of my own personal duties such as (school work or household chores) are more on my mind than anything. This can get me into so much trouble with the way that others may view me. Feelings of isolation and overlooked can get me put into this category without trying. However, what I feel is important to me is not that important to someone