Personal Narrative: My First Day Of Middle School

Words: 501
Pages: 3

My teacher told me to go across the street and give a lesson to elementary school students on anything that will be helpful for them in the future. It took me a while to come up with an idea to teach the students. Finally, I came up with an idea to teach them on what to expect in middle school. The first thing I told those students is that you have a lot more freedom and teachers won’t always do things for you. I wish someone told me that before my first day of middle school. On the first day I was pretty afraid on how much I had to do by myself. So I wanted to make sure the students knew that before going into middle school. Another thing I told them is that you have a lot more responsibility then you have at elementary school. For example, I told them that if you have a missing assignment the teacher will not give you an extra day to do it so it is your job to get it turned in on time. Also, teachers can give assignments online and it is your responsibility to check online and make sure you do the assignment. …show more content…
I told them on my first day of school it took me thirty minutes to open up my locker. I also told them all the tricks the teachers taught me to open a locker. I brought some practice locks and they did all of the tricks I told them and they were amazed on how simple opening a locker is. Then after that I taught them how to talk to people they don’t know. This is useful because there are a lot of new people in middle school and the best thing to do is make new friends so you won’t get bullied. Middle school is when bullying really starts and learning how to make new friends is a really helpful thing to know in middle